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P&P Farma has been founded in 2011 as Business Procurement Company in the field of Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical areas.

Founded by Dr Corrado Giovinazzo, Pharmacist, at the end of his working activity as Manager, over the time, of R&D, Manufactruing, Technical Services, Regulatory Affairs & Conformance Departments operating in the Pharmaceutical Plant of Catania of Cyanamid Italia, Wyeth Lederle, Pfizer (in the sequence of acquisitions).

Never forgetting his professional origins (1968-1970), accomplished at the laboratories of Farmaceutici Procemsa located in via Pinerolo 12 in Turin, where he was initiated into the secrets of the Galenical Skills by two talented Piedmont Pharmacists, the Farmaceutici Procemsa’s holders Dr Mario Vanella and Dr Giuseppe Armitano, masters in the preparation of all Galenical presentations listed into the “Formulario Galenico Nazionale dell'INAM” (Italian State Health Insurance Institute) and onto the one of MALF (Private Health Insurance Institute for workers of the Fiat car maker), as well as in the art of preparation of Fluids Extracts of Medicinal Plants.

This art, that remained silent over the years spent in a Pharmaceutical Plant specialized In the manufacturing of ethical medicinal presentations, it was awakened forcefully in 2005 when he started teaching, as Lecturer, Pharmaceutical Technology at the Pharmacy School of University of Messina, course degree for Scientific Information on Drugs, having had the opportunity to interact with Colleagues Pharmacologists in the study of the characterization of vegetable products grown in Sicily, in particular Pistachio, Almond and Olive Oil.

And it is on this latter product, whose medicinal value and use is lost in the mists of time, it has decided to undertake, pushed and encouraged specifically by the pharmacologist Colleagues of the University of Messina, Toni Tomaino at beginning and Mimmo Trombetta and Antonella Smeriglio afterwards, an activity for the nutraceutical characterization of the Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Monti Iblei area, subzone Val Tellaro, in the south-east of Sicily, for its potential recognition as HERB MEDICINAL PLANT, alone as FUNCTIONAL FOOD or in pharmaceutical, nutraceutical and cosmeceutical formulations as ACTIVE INGREDIENT.

Thus where born the Italian Extra Virgin Organic Olive Oil "ULIVI DELLA VAL TELLARO" and the FENÒLIA® brand which identifies a line of products formulated on the base of this ingredient.

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FENÒLIA® - Nutraceuticals and Cosmeceuticals Presentations

FENÒLIA® line is the brainchild of Dr Corrado Giovinazzo, Pharmacist and very keen on organic farming, who has thought about studying to confirm, with the support of the Universities of Messina and Rome Tor Vergata and of the "Bambino Gesù Children Hospital" of Rome, the health benefits of Polyphenols brought by the Italian Extra Virgin Organic Olive Oil sourced from Iblei mountains in Sicily.

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